Colour is light made visible. Without the rays of the sun there would be no life. Colour, therefore, is a vital energy and can be used as a potent healing tool to balance the natural rhythms of the body.
Colour healing is known by various names: light therapy, Chroma-therapy, colorology, Aura Soma healing etc.
However, all these therapies operate around the same basic principle – that each colour has a unique vibrational frequency that can be used to rebalance the body, soothe the emotions, and heal the spirit.
Colour treatment is often determined by which area of the body is affected. Each bodily function and emotional response correspond to one of the seven main chakras (energy centres) which vibrate to a particular colour. For example, if we
were experiencing a stiff neck or sore throat we would look to the throat chakra and would use blue in any treatment.
There are many ways you can bring colour into your life, and you don’t have to buy any special equipment to enjoy the benefits. By choosing the colour of your clothes, the flowers and plants in your environment, the décor in your home and even the food you eat, you can benefit from their energetic vibrations and healing properties.
Bathe in colour by placing coloured cellophane over a window on a sunny day or drape yourself in an appropriately coloured piece of silk.
Red is a powerful energiser and stimulant that increases energy and raises the body temperature. The use of red enhances the appetite and improves circulation, it’s good for counteracting colds and chills and stimulates stiff or frozen muscles. Surround yourself with red vibrations if you need the courage to act or to make a difficult decision. Avoid red if stressed or over-stimulated.
Orange creates a balance between the mind and body and is helpful for muscle spasms and cramp. Depression responds well to orange and it’s particularly useful in treating grief, loss, shock, and trauma. Orange vibrations combat the fear of moving forward.
Yellow is the colour of intelligence and encourages mental agility and wisdom. It’s a particularly cleansing vibration and its presence encourages waste to be eliminated from the system. It promotes the gastric juices and can clear negative thinking and woolliness. Good for self-esteem and combating shyness. The easiest way to participate in yellow is to sit in sunlight.
Green relieves biliousness and soothes headaches. It’s very comforting for those feeling nervous or anxious and embodies calming and relaxing attributes. Green combats fatigue and has a centering effect on the body and mind.
Blue vibrations symbolise wisdom, divinity, eternity, and human immortality. It enables clear thinking and communication as it is related to the throat chakra. Visualise blue if stressed before going into a meeting or wear a blue scarf when you need to speak up for yourself.
Indigo is the strongest painkiller in the spectrum. It eases sinus problems and cataracts and provides relief from asthma and chest complaints. Migraines, eczema and bruising all respond well to indigo vibrations. Particularly useful for an overactive thyroid and soothes backache and spinal complaints.
Purple’s a great colour for dealing with mental or nervous problems and is useful in dealing with painful memories. Good for calming heart palpitations, neuralgia, and eye complaints and useful in treating the head and scalp. Purple visualisation can bring out your leadership qualities.
Repurposed from Prediction Magazine December 2011
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