The planet Neptune will station retrograde on June 28th, which aligns with the New Moon in Cancer and will stay in this position until December 3rd. This gas giant stays retrograde for such a long period due to its sheer distance from us. So, what is a planetary retrograde? This is when a planet appears to move backwards in our sky, of course, it isn’t actually doing that, it is an illusionary vision due to how we are all happily orbiting the sun! But Astro physics aside, and more importantly, how does this affect US?
Neptune is one of my favourite planets as it represents spirituality, creativity and inner fantasies and dreams but most importantly, our intuition. Being in retrograde does not mean that a planet loses its meaning it just means we need to stop and take the exam at the end of the course and test ourselves on what or anything we have learned. This retrograde period is also a time for the rose-tinted glasses to come off and take a good hard look with more clarity. Neptune always helps us to see the best in people and situations but now, with the proverbial glasses gone, our intuition needs to come to the forefront. Are we who we are telling the world we are? Are we truly aligning with our visions? Are we being our authentic selves? We also need to ask, is that person really who they are portraying themselves to be? And is my current situation right for me?
Combining the enhanced clarity we now have with our amplified inner guidance, through our intuition we can see our path and our journey more clearly. It’s a beautiful thing to be full of creative ideas and bursting with enthusiasm and eagerness for spirituality, but we are still in human form so therefore we need to act like a human and be realistic. This cosmic reality check allows us to stop, figure out ourselves, our situation and ideas, and then proceed with a firm plan in place. With a solid strategy, we can achieve so much more and achieve it quicker while being extra productive with our time and energy.
It is also important to note that with this veil now lifted some things can come as a bit of shock, seeing people and situations for what or who they are rather than what you had hoped they would be may not be easy. Please remember to see the positive side of any lesson sent from the cosmos and that through these revelations we gain experience and wisdom. This also allows us to revisit what our boundaries are with unhealthy situations and relationships to best protect ourselves and our energy.
With the spirituality Neptune represents and the need for realism at this time, we can use this to plan out a dedicated spiritual practice. We can gather up all our spiritual excitement from when Neptune was direct and be more structured. How this looks to you is unique, and it could possibly involve a daily yoga routine, daily affirmations and journaling or attending a regular local sound bath or meditation. Maybe even just setting aside time daily or weekly to build on and encourage your own innate psychic abilities.
The perfect crystal to wear or keep close to you during the next 5 months is clear quartz. This underrated beauty is a great all-rounder and aids mental clarity, emotional stability and provides more focus. It is also protective and enhances our psychic gifts.
Please remember that although this time may provide the shocks and revelations, it is always for our higher good and is here to help us not harm us. Rest and reset.
Love Emma x x