Life Coaching
Have you experienced moments in your life when you have become aware of a gap between where you are in your life and where ideally in your mind’s eye you would like to be?
It might be that you do actually know where you want to be but you just can’t seem to move forward. Or that you are vaguely aware that there must be more to life and there’s an overall sense of not being on track.
If you would like to feel that you are progressing positively in your life, rather than going round in circles, then you could consider talking to someone trained in ways that can address the gap: a life coach. Partners, friends and family aren’t always the right people to help you move forward. Those closest to us sometimes don’t necessarily want us to change or develop: they are comfortable with us as we are.
Who is Suited to Life Coaching?
Generally people in their thirties or forties, but this void in one’s life sensation can occur at any age. Life coach Nicola Bunting considers that rather than thinking you are going through a mid-life crisis you should view this nagging dissatisfaction as a mid-life opportunity. You have a good deal of experience under your belt by your thirties which enables you to step back and look at where you have come from and where you think you would like to go next.
What Does Life Coaching Involve?
Ideally a life coach will want you to commit to a year-long programme. This is because it can take a year to make significant changes. For instance, Nicola works with a model that involves 3 main steps that take you through clearing out drains on your energy; identifying who you really are and where you’re coming from; and assessing what it is in life that makes you glad to be alive. Nicola advises that when looking for a life coach you ensure that they are qualified. For instance, make sure that they have done a course that is fully accredited by the International Coach Federation (this is the only recognised certification for life coaches internationally). And, if taking on a life coach seems too big a step right now then here are 4 tips to help you focus on moving towards a more fulfilling future:
Locate what areas are draining you. You will have more energy when you have cleared your environment, health and emotional balance, money and relationships. Pinpoint areas in your life that might be causing energy leakage.
Have you got nagging health problems? Don’t ignore them, sort them out. Are your finances giving you sleepless nights? Get advice from a financial adviser. Is your relationship causing you constant aggravation? Ditch it. Focus on what you want out of life. Are you just treading water? Does what you do actually reflect your beliefs and values? Are you just earning money to pay the bills? Think about a time when you were really happy.
Set Yourself Goals
Once you have come to a decision about what it is that would make you feel more fulfilled find out all you can about that career, location, lifestyle and check if it really is for you. If you decide it is then go for it take control of your life.
Take a Step Back….
When you’ve achieved your goal take time to reassess where you are, how far you’ve come and where you’d like to go next. Take stock of how you feel. Has the gap been filled or are there still further goals you’d like to achieve
Author: Michael