What is the right path for you? Millions of people world over have been battling with this issue since the beginning of time. We wonder and search for the right path. But what is that right path for you?
Your right path is probably not my right path nor is it same as your mother’s. Just as we are unique individuals, so are our paths, purposes and destinies. However, the destination is all the same – happiness and love. We seek the right path in order to achieve happiness and find fulfilment here on earth.
6 Most Important Steps
Why are you here? Being able to discern your purpose in life will lead you to the right path. If, for instance you do not know the school you want to attend, you cannot know its location. All you know is that you want to be in school. That is good but without a vision of what you want from school and the available schools that offer that vocation, you cannot move ahead, you’d be stuck at home.
Some of us struggle to find a purpose in life to the point that it becomes an elusive obsession. Start with what you have, what makes your heart beat faster, what brings joy to your soul and smiles to your face? What are you passionate about? Give yourself time to chew on this, to discover and understand yourself better. Try your hands on as many things as you can find, interact with lots of people and see what gives.
Follow your Instincts. Learn to hear and follow your instincts. Listen to your inner voice, especially when you are alone. Meditation comes in handy throughout this journey. When you are stuck in that depressing job, your entire being is revolting; your instincts have gone from whispering to screaming. It is time to bolt. Your gut keeps telling you that public speaking is your thing, do not neglect it. If you try and it doesn’t work out, move on to other things your heart desires. Life is an adventure, be courageous enough to drown the distractions of the world and follow your instincts.
Spend Time with Great Minds. Spending your time and resources with the right people can help you find your path. Spend time with them physically if you can, otherwise, read, watch and listen to them. They were once where you are now, they know better than you do.
Be Creative and Attentive. In being creative, you are expressing yourself the best way you can. In being attentive, you notice a lot of things within and outside you. Set out time to express what you feel, see, hear, desire, and love.
Be of Help to Others. Our gifts are given us for the service of others and we are happiest when we are able to lift others up. In so doing too, some are able to find their true path.
Decide and Act. All the above activities will be worthless without the right decisions and actions to back it up. The above steps should help you arrive at the right decisions which should be followed by positive actions.